Sunday, July 5, 2009

Whistle blowned, here's the kick-off

Assalamualaikum & salam sejahtera diucapkan kpd kalian..
i consider this is my 1st post for this blog..
my older post boleh kire sampah la..

recently aku byk trbace blogs..
melalui pembacaan2 tersebut, lahirlah satu persoalan yg bermain dlm kepala aku..
mungkinkah ini satu cara yg terbaik utk express segala benda yg terbuku dlm dada?
let's see!selain itu jugak, aku ade cerite nk share. satu peristiwa yg menyebabkan hati aku terbukak utk menulis.
& then i took the 1st step to create my own account..
rupe2nya aku dh pn ade account kt blogspot ni.(siap dh ade satu post yg aku consider sbgai sampah td)haha!
maka hadirlah aku di sini bagi mencuba sesuatu yg baru.(lame me huh?!)

most of blogs that i've read are by my brothers cause i keen to how they're doing, do their hair have turned to grey or they're beared like Osama Laden. among them are;
PA'AN, TANK, SEYN, PE'NAS, OSCAR & many2 more.
it's good to know that they're are doing fuckin great.

nk dijadikan cerita, one day while i was reading one of their posts alone in my room where all the lights are turned off...i heard a low frequenced sound. it seemed like somebody's whispering. i've wondered where on earth does that voice came from?the voice was slowly getting growler & growler.i grabbed a scissor on my desk to secure myself cause my six sense told me that something shitty was going on there. with only the light from the screen of my lappy lighted up my gothenburg-mood room, i keep on searching, with my heart pounding so fast(time ni aku bernafas dh mcm kuda daaa)."is it coming from the wall?", i was wondering...PUKIMAK!rupe2nye...that voice came from the poster of Brandon Lee that i paste it on the wall."Pe'no, the time has come, u should have ur own blog. don't hesitate, just go for it!", i'm stunned cause the poster of my all-time hero finally said something to me(selama ni poster ni la tempat aku mengadu nasib).words that came from it's mouth really inspired me. without wasting much more time(like those time that i've wasted watching japanese adult movies), i got back to my lappy and start to create an account..

dikesempatan ini..salam perkenalan dpd aku..

poster of Brandon Lee(like the one i have in my room)

1 comment:

farhannazmey said...

elo capt..welcome to the blogging world :)

lots of respect!